Trump’s immigration orders spark fear in NC’s Border Belt

By Heidi Perez-Moreno and Ben Rappaport Executive orders from President Donald Trump calling for increased deportation of immigrants are stoking fears across rural southeastern North Carolina.  Sheriff’s offices in Bladen and Robeson counties say they will cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement as required by federal law. Meanwhile, school districts across the Border Belt say they understand concerns among students and staff.   Bladen County Sheriff …Read more Continue reading Trump’s immigration orders spark fear in NC’s Border Belt

Check out scenes from a rare snow day in North Carolina’s Border Belt

When it snows in southeastern North Carolina, it’s a really big deal. In the Border Belt counties of Bladen, Columbus, Robeson and Scotland, social media users posted images from their communities. While the snow might be an exciting opportunity to experience a winter wonderland, state officials are urging caution on the roads. “During winter weather, just like in any severe weather situation in our state, …Read more Continue reading Check out scenes from a rare snow day in North Carolina’s Border Belt

More than 1,500 ballots in Border Belt challenged in NC Supreme Court race

By Ben Rappaport  More than 1,500 voters in Bladen, Columbus, Robeson and Scotland counties had their votes challenged in the disputed election for a seat on the North Carolina Supreme Court.  Democratic incumbent Allison Riggs won the statewide election by 734 votes in November, but her opponent, Republican Jefferson Griffin, challenged the validity of more than 60,000 ballots. Griffin has said he challenged the …Read more Continue reading More than 1,500 ballots in Border Belt challenged in NC Supreme Court race

Robeson County saw fewer murders in 2024, unofficial tally shows 

By Sarah Nagem Robeson County saw a significant drop in reported murders in 2024 after experiencing what might have been a record high the prior year.  Law enforcement agencies in the county investigated at least 41 homicides last year, according to a list compiled by the Border Belt Independent. That’s down from 51 in 2023. (The 2024 figure could change when the State Bureau …Read more Continue reading Robeson County saw fewer murders in 2024, unofficial tally shows 

NC’s Border Belt sees increase in homelessness

By Ben Rappaport  Ninety-five people in Bladen, Columbus, Robeson and Scotland counties were identified as homeless in 2024, a 90% increase from the prior year.  The local numbers, released by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, reflect a rise in homelessness across North Carolina and the country. The number of unhoused people in the state increased 19% last year compared to 2023, …Read more Continue reading NC’s Border Belt sees increase in homelessness

UNC Health Southeastern updates maternity ward with a focus on comfort

By Heidi Perez-Moreno When Mary Campbell gave birth to her first daughter in 2021, her maternity room at UNC Health Southeastern was cramped and loud. The hospital’s thin walls did little to muffle the sounds of crying babies and foot traffic in the hallways, and Campbell could barely nap during her 36-hour stay.  But when Campbell, who works as an emergency room nurse at …Read more Continue reading UNC Health Southeastern updates maternity ward with a focus on comfort

Stories that mattered most in NC’s Border Belt in 2024

Looking back at 2024, the Border Belt Independent brought readers in-depth news coverage about the election, the economy, education, health care and so much more. Most importantly, we told stories about people who are making a difference in the community. Here are some of the stories that mattered most to our readers over the past year. ‘Feel more pain’: Southeastern NC is at the heart …Read more Continue reading Stories that mattered most in NC’s Border Belt in 2024

Divided visions stall progress at Elizabethtown Industrial Park

By Ben Rappaport  Bladen County wants its money back.  The county gave Elizabethtown $100,000 in April 2023 to create a master plan for a mixed-use project at the town’s industrial park. Elizabethtown then opted to veer from the shared vision of the park and abandon its longstanding relationship with Bladen County’s Economic Development Commission to work instead with a newly formed nonprofit.   The Border …Read more Continue reading Divided visions stall progress at Elizabethtown Industrial Park

How Republicans gained ground in rural North Carolina

By Ben Rappaport and Sarah Nagem This story is co-published by The Assembly and the Border Belt Independent.  There was never any doubt Charles Ray Peterson would be a Democrat. His parents, grandparents—everyone he knew in Bladen County, really—were Democrats.  Peterson, 70, served on the Bladen County school board for 12 years and has been a county commissioner for more than two decades. “When I got involved …Read more Continue reading How Republicans gained ground in rural North Carolina

Bladen County spat could hinder progress at thriving industrial park

By Ben Rappaport  Bladen County and Elizabethtown have worked together for years to spur economic development with help from a local nonprofit aimed at bringing jobs and increasing the local tax base.   But new plans for a mixed-use development of homes and businesses have strained the three-way partnership, raising questions about the project and future collaborations at the Elizabethtown Industrial Park.   Bladen County gave …Read more Continue reading Bladen County spat could hinder progress at thriving industrial park