By Les High
Since founding the Border Belt Independent in the spring of 2021, we’ve produced in-depth coverage of the issues that impact the livesof people in Bladen, Columbus, Robeson and Scotland counties.
And we know that journalism like ours is more important than ever.
As a nonprofit newsroom, we can’t do this critical work without your help. All of our content is free and we don’t sell advertising, so our sole sources of support come from like-minded grant funders and friends like you.
That’s why we’re asking readers to consider a contribution to help sustain our small but formidable newsroom.
If you give before Dec. 31, your tax-deductible contribution will be doubled by NewsMatch, a national journalism philanthropy that supports independent nonprofit news organizations. NewsMatch will match contributions up to $1,000.
To give, go to and click on the link at the top of the page or locate the “Donate” button in the toolbar. The link will take you to our secure PayPal account where you can donate via PayPal or using your credit or debit card.
Donations by check are accepted at 118 Fuller St., Whiteville, N.C., 28472.