Support the trusted journalism you’ve come to expect; donate today

By Les High


Since founding the Border Belt Independent in the spring of 2021, we’ve produced in-depth coverage of the issues that impact you daily. And we know that journalism like ours is more important than ever.

But, as a nonprofit newsroom, we can’t do this critical work without your help.

If you give before Dec. 31, your contribution will be doubled by NewsMatch, a national journalism philanthropy that supports independent nonprofit news organizations. NewsMatch will match contributions up to $1,000.

Your contribution is tax deductible thanks to a partnership with the North Carolina Press Foundation, a 501-C-3 that will forward 100 percent of your contribution to the Border Belt Independent.

Contributions can be sent via PayPal, credit or debit card, or by mail to the North Carolina Press Foundation, 5171 Glenwood Ave, Suite 486 Raleigh NC 27612. If you have questions, email Publisher Les High at

We hope we can count on your support today.